StrongBit and 9Rays Partner In The War Against Software Piracy

Released on = March 15, 2006, 2:34 am

Press Release Author = SoftComplete Development

Industry = Computers

Press Release Summary = Representatives from 9Rays.Net Inc and StrongBit Technology
today announced an exciting partnership in creating a flexible, multi-layer,
universal software copy protection and licensing system

Press Release Body = Crackers attack thousands of security and protection systems
every day, with no company too small to be targeted. Software protection inventors
are fighting back against crackers, and it is an endless war. For security companies
it is simply "A la guerre comme la guerre" or Business is Business.

Representatives from Inc and StrongBit Technology today announced an
exciting partnership. In order to combat the ever-advancing underworld of crackers,
and to meet many developers' requests to both companies, they have come together to
form a new innovative product. The goal of creating a flexible, multi-layer,
universal software copy protection and licensing system, based on a combination of
encryption and code obfuscation techniques and aimed at prevention and protection.
The new product will be able to combat the latest and future software threats with
ease, including: reverse engineering tricks, cracks and illegal use. Now for the
first time ever it will be compatible with different programming platforms and
environments. While the announcement of the partnership just occurred today, the
product itself has been in development state for quite some time Both project
participants are planning to launch the beta-version in the near future.

StrongBit Technology- Specializing in windows applications copy protection and
licensing systems plans to combine their famous protection techniques with
who currently specializes in .Net software protection and decompilation. Both groups
are finally combining efforts in development of a collaborative, cross-platform,
software copy protection and license management solution

Both 9Rays and StrongBit are known by their current anti-cracking tools using
encryption and "protection by obfuscation" principles in application protection and
license management. Until recently these great products were always for different
programming platforms or compilers. StrongBit EXECryptor is intended for protection
of 32bit executable files written in Basic, Delphi, and C/C++. Spices.Obfuscator
from 9Rays it is oriented to protection of .Net applications.

Based off of in-depth private scientific research in software reverse engineering,
analysis, and cracks StrongBit (part of SoftComplete Development) developed an
innovative approach to software protection based on various techniques including
their renown code obfuscation method coined 'Code Morphing'. Professionals have used
this technique as a complete solution in software copy protection and license
management. The EXECryptor 2.x series that combines 'code morphing' obfuscation
with program code encryption launched two years ago, in July 2004. As a result of
some of the best protection schemes in the industry, today it has the reputation of
"uncrackable software protection" with an open challenge to crackers. Today it is at
the top of software protection and licensing tools, with one of the longest standing
uncrackable records to date.

The 9Rays' Spices.Obfuscator one of Spice.Net suite components is a .Net code
protection tool that offers the wide range of technologies to protect .Net code and
intellectual properties. Spice.Net comes with five components - Obfuscator,
Decompiler, Modeler, Investigator and Documenter. Other features of this technology
are automatic size optimization and additional options like assembly merging, adding
managed resources, self-installation and encryption features. Thus, Spices.Net does
the entire cycle of assembly processing - obfuscation, optimization, and
verification of the generated assemblies, with both a .Net Framework and Compact
Framework versions and also a Console version.

About Allies:

1) 9Rays.Net is know for partnering with several groups of developers with each
group offering its own unique product line. These high-skilled professionals have
joined their efforts to achieve better marketing results and to provide the best
possible quality product.

9Rays.Net has gained wide experience on the tools and components market, developing
high-quality products for the following platforms: Microsoft. NET (Windows.Forms and
ASP.Net), Borland Delphi, C++ Builder, ActiveX. The company\'s primary product focus
is on development of .Net tools and components compatible with Visual Studio .Net,
C# Builder, Delphi.Net and other IDE's for .Net Framework.

2) StrongBit is a SoftComplete Development division specialized in anti-reversal,
anti-crack, and anti-piracy software protection private scientific research and
development, creators of the famous EXECryptor Software copy protection and
HardKey software license management products.
SoftComplete Development specializes in creating software protection & license
management systems, fuzzy text processing and other developer solutions.

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